Monday, November 17, 2014

Leg Stretch

Between the continuing miserable weather and the evil cold virus I am fighting, it was a really quiet weekend around here.  I read two books (Life After Life and King's Dragon), spent an inordinate amount of time drinking tea and snuggling various animals, watched bad tv, and played old school Nintendo emulators.  Do we know how to party or what??

Oh yes we do
My awesome husband visited Fawkes to continue removing ice from his water trough, but that was the extent of horsey activities.  Also, Maya is about to die from sheer boredom. Border collies don't care if you are sick and it is frigid.

I went to the barn tonight to at least get on Fawkes and move him around, keep the old digestive system working.  It was not a pleasant start, everything is icy and there was a cutting wind.  BRRR.  But once we got to the indoor and moving it was good.  Fawkes wanted to spook and run but we weren't there for shenanigans or getting all hot and sweaty and he held it together.  We did some trots sets but mostly just walked.

I was proud of him for being obedient when he so clearly needs a run. Sorry kiddo, you are way too fuzzy to run around the indoor for 20 minutes.  Soon.

In an attempt to get more flexible and stronger in my core, I have found time to implement some yoga/pilates type activities into my evening.  While this eats into my doing nothing time and I greatly resent it, I have already felt a difference.  Not a huge one yet, but I can plank for longer and I can get into a real warrior pose.  So hopefully that helps the riding.

I basically look exactly like this.  HAHA, does that person have bones?
Oh look, my tea is empty, time to refill!

1 comment:

  1. Fight the cold-fight! Mine could probably use some time to run too-but I just don't have 3 hours to watch her dry after. Winter already sucks!
