Saturday, January 31, 2015


Last week got completely out of control with a riding lesson Saturday morning - and finally some new Fawkes pictures and videos! - and then having friends over and then having a 6AM flight Sunday morning for a last minute business trip.  Then I get to the hotel and realize all my pictures are on my personal laptop and not my work laptop and my work laptop won't even let me sign into blogger and it was super tragic except:

Puerto Rico
For some reason no one has that much sympathy for me.

Seriously though, this is why I sometimes feel I should have just stuck with leasing and not bought a horse.  I have been away more often than I have been around lately.  Hopefully that is over for awhile.

Puerto Rico was beautiful but the work days were long and I only got back late last night.  Haven't even been out to see Fawkes yet I am so tired.  Luckily, he is in good hands when I am away.

Last Saturday's lesson seems so long ago, but it was pretty good.

Photos make many things pretty clear.  Fawkes is definitely coming along well and looks excellent at the trot but he still needs more encouragement to reach with his hind end.  And at the canter, we are still in the early stages of dropping his head and using his back.  My elbows and I are not on the same page so we will keep working on that too.

Probably lots of other stuff going on too but I don't think we look half bad.  Except his mess of a mane that I have 100% given up on.  Everyone thinks I am kidding when I suggest roaching it.


  1. Great photos, I think fawkes is adorable!

  2. I have the same issues a few times a year and end up seeing my horse only once a week or so due to travel or work hours. I figure the rest of the year makes up for it, but still it is rough. Have you ever considered a half lease? I have been trying that during my busy seasons and I think it's mutually beneficial!

    1. I would absolutely love to half lease him! There doesn't seem to be much of a pool in this area but I do have a possible part leaser I am going to try out. It makes me feel better to know I am not alone at least :)
