Tuesday, May 27, 2014

Costa Rica pictures

It is currently quiet on the horse front.  Had a good jumping lesson this weekend, but it is supposed to be hot this week so I think it is time for the body clip.  I feel bad working him in the heat and winter coat and even just standing around must be miserable in 85 degrees.  The vet doesn't want to do any testing right now, just said to wait and see since Cushings in a 10 yo TB is highly unlikely.  I guess time will tell.

In the meantime, how about some Rainforest Pictures?

The capuchins were very interested in the wandering humans

Hola coati

Spider monkeys just doing their thing

Who knew anteaters were so pretty?

View from the lodge

Howlers in profile

Poor soggy sloth

Of course we did beach horseback riding

Saturday, May 24, 2014

Back in town

Made it back to Colorado late last night...more like early this morning.  Of course one of the first things I did today was go visit Fawkes.  He had a good week of trainer rides and was very well behaved for our ride.  I just worked on basics - transitions between gaits and moving off my leg.  We will have a lesson tomorrow if this accursed weather lets us.

The only point of concern right now is that he has still not shed out his winter coat.  At all.  My trainer thinks it might be time to call the vet, I am kind of on the fence.  Seems like we might be forced to at least trace clip him soon but I am still uncertain if a full blood panel is needed.  I will probably call my vet on Tuesday and see what he thinks.  It is weird to still have a winter coat in late May, right?

Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Last lesson before vacation

Got to squeeze in one jumping lesson before we leave on Friday.  The entire focus of the lesson was slow and calm.  Fawkes might have been a bit too calm at points (squeezing 8 in a 7 is one thing but making a 1 stride into a 2 stride is extreme) but we are taking that over hyper and spooky right now.

The cutest boy
The jumps were a mix of gymnastics and bending lines, all kept low to encourage rhythm and no stress.  I haven't been jumping much lately so my eq was less than perfect, but looking at the pictures I think the biggest problem is that it is time to shorten the stirrups again.

My leg has slipped forward a bit but it looks like I am really stretching for the stirrups here.
These stirrups will be going no shorter as they already have multiple punched holes, I have finally caved and purchased child length stirrups.  Not that I care what they are labeled, but aren't there lots of short legged girls riding horses? Is it really appropriate to call them child length, horse industry??  Whatevs.

Fawkes was basically perfect for this lesson, and it felt good.  It was a nice note to leave for a week on, although I might get to find time for one more ride if I get off my butt and finish packing.  Otherwise, Fawkes will have a lovely week with the trainer.

Yesterday we had a simple ride and then I turned Fawkes out in the indoor.  He hasn't been turned out because of the snow/mud and he went rip roaring around.  I felt very lucky that he was obedient during our ride and saved his shenanigans for free time.  Good pony!

Friday, May 9, 2014

Taking it Easy

Hopefully Fawkes and I will start getting back to a rhythm soon.  We are scheduled for a jumping lesson this weekend, but with more snow on the way (SIGH) I am not hopeful it will happen.

Looking sexy last summer
I did get out and ride Wednesday and today.  As I hadn't ridden in a week, I just took it easy and tried to make sure my body remembered how to ride.  It only takes a few days out of the saddle for me to hurt.  You would think I am about to turn 72, not 32.  Two laps around the ring at the canter and I could barely breathe.  But otherwise I felt good, so that is a positive.

The best part of today was getting out for a mini trail ride.  Fawkes was perfect, not spooky at all.  Which is awesome because he is definitely a therapy horse and not a horse in training at the moment.  Last weekend I went to say farewell to my terminally ill friend and, coincidentally, my dad ended up in the hospital while I was there.  So between sick people here and back east, I just like the easy break.

He did get a couple training rides recently and we will get back to business soon.  I want to get a couple jumping lessons in before leaving for Costa Rica next Friday!

Friday, May 2, 2014

Life, Don't Talk to Me About Life

Quote Marvin, the Paranoid Android

Life has been off the deep end lately.  Having a dog recovering from TPLO was hard enough.  But then it turned out J's leg actually has a hairline fracture (7 x-rays didn't find it, took an MRI) so now he is on crutches.  It was end of fiscal year at work so that has been crazy, and to top it off, I am making a quick trip back east this weekend to visit a very sick friend and an ailing parent.

Trying to exercise one healthy dog, while keeping the healing dog quiet was hard with two people.  With J down it is just awful and I have no idea how he is going to survive the weekend while I am away.
You can't tire this thing out.
All of which is to say, Fawkes is getting the short end of the stick.  I only rode once this week.  Had a good jumping lesson, although he did have a weird issue with one of the jumps.  There were two jumps with boxes underneath, one was fine, one was terrifying.  We worked through it, but sigh.  That gets old.  He is getting a trainer ride while I am out of town this weekend and we might spring for a few extras of those.